Month: December 2018


Blackwing Volume 4

The Mars Pencil If in 2019 you are goint go reach the Mars, we have something that you cannot A Tribute to the Mars 2020 Rover Mission and the Boundless Reaches of the Human Imagination. In 2020, NASA will send a rover to Mars to search for evidence of ancient Martian life while testing technologies for future human expeditions. While the engineering designs for the rover and its various instruments are finalized in CAD, itsCzytaj dalej


How to choose a gift? – a guide how to overcome Christmas dilemma

To avoid stress caused by going Christams shopping last minute and look out the window for the courier isntead of the first star we would like to help in searching Christmast gifts at this very moment (it’s one of the ways to not go crazy)! It’s a common knowlegde that (not) the best Christmas gifts are socks! That’s why in Escribo we conducted research that will provide you with Christmas gifts ideas! Traveler’s Notebook –Czytaj dalej