Month: April 2017


The Eureka Moment – Blackwing 530

In 1848, while working at a sawmill in Coloma, California, James W. Marshall discovered gold flakes in the American River. This discovery sparked what would come to be known as the California Gold Rush, causing hundreds of thousands of business owners, artists, lawyers and people of all trades to leave their lives behind and flock to Northern California in pursuit of fortune and opportunity. The Gold Rush was California’s defining moment, a moment immortalized byCzytaj dalej


Explore, Challenge, Inspire – Blackiwng 205

In 138 BCE, Chinese explorer Zhang Qian set out on an expedition west. The journey lasted more than 13 years and laid the foundation for the Silk Road, a trade route that was instrumental in opening up communication between Asia and Europe. From around 120 BCE to the 1450’s CE, explorers like Zheng He, Marco Polo and Jorge Alvarez used the Silk Road to trade goods, share ideas, and spread artistic influences throughout a myriadCzytaj dalej


Few words about MD Paper

Is the quality of the paper importanat? After all, in the age of technology, more and more often we are forced to type on a computer keyboard than by hand. However, we are those who love and appreciate the hand writing. That is why the paper is important to us and we try to choose the real gems out of all the possibilities available on the market. And this is how we got on JapaneseCzytaj dalej