Month: February 2018


10th Anniversary of MD Notebook!

It’s 10 years passed since the first MD notebook was introduced. Such an anniversary needs special setting and from this occasion Midori designed limited collection of notebooks and accessories. In the collection we can find ten notebooks in unique layouts such as dots, lines and grid with wide margin, and graph paper. Of course, each notebook was designed to perform a specific function, but despite from that the Midori gives us freedom in which theCzytaj dalej


Accessories for Bullet Journal

Very often we hear the question what to use to make our bullet journal more colorful and intersting. And to enjoy the way we create it. We know how important is this case, and we treat it with respect. Thus we prepare three tips that you may find useful making your bullet journal. 1.More color! Everyone has its own strictly define system. But sometimes we may lost somewhere between bullets and dashes, thus it canCzytaj dalej